Computer Generation IV

Fourth Generation Computer 1971-Present

The microprocessor was the invention that lead to our everyday affordable and accessible computers.  In the fourth generation of computers the number of transistors in a integrated circuit has increased by the millions.  The microprocessor was invented by Ted Hoff of Intel.  The micro sized chip had the ability to perform at faster speeds than its predecessors.

Xerox Star

Apple Computer & Altair 8800

The computer than became popular with new developments from Altair when they introduced the do it yourself computer kit the Altair 8800 computer kit in 1975.  IBM introduced the PC (personal computer) in 1981.  Apple introduced the Macintosh in 1984.

The microprocessor gave a path to present day modern small computers and tablets as well as handheld devices such as our phones.  The microprocessor led to the creation of the internet, as well as the GUI and mouse.



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